Monday, June 25, 2007

The Great Big Olive-Thing in the Sky?

As you may have seen online, some talented folks are proposing that an interestingly shaped skyscraper be built in Western Athens (near the Agios Savvas metro station). While I do prefer the innovative shape to the traditional blocks of decades past, something about this proposed Athenian "multiskyscraper" disturbs me.

I guess the question is what kind of city does Athens or do we want Athens to be?

In the 60s, the minds that ruled (direct translation) deemed it right to build it into the cement jungle that many have tried to tame in recent years. Does adding a glass element to this cement build or learn from that experience?

I'd challenge our great architects to propose ideas that better capture the city's essence. I mean really, as much as I like olives, I am not sure that connecting it to some olive groves quite fits the bill.

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