Thursday, June 21, 2007

Greeks - The Next Generation

Greetings friends! Well it has been a crazy week, but I am very excited to announce that I've been invited to speak at the upcoming 1st Annual Greek-American conference organized by the Federation of Hellenic Societies of New York. I will be speaking about the importance and best practices for engaging and uniting the younger generations of Greeks around the world.

Naturally, I think that the most important part of my presentation depends on you!

As part of my preparation, I want to include an opinion shaped by reality, which is why I'd greatly appreciate your input via a survey I've developed online.


Please note that your answers, although extremely valuable, will remain confidential.
Of course - please make sure to link this on your blogs and pass it along via e-mail as I want to make sure to include as many opinions as possible.

Efxaristo PARA poly!

P.S. A great many thanks to my new friends at
DailyFrappe, who graciously provided me with information for the presentation and offered to take this survey to great new heights! If I sound like a fan, it's because I am.

P.P.S Stay tuned for more information on conference times and an update on developments!

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